Orbit Overview
Imagine a great elliptical orbit around the sun from the outer reaches of the Kuiper belt, plunging into the inner solar system past mother Earth then around the sun to sling-shot back to the darkness. One orbit. The songs on the fourth Hedersleben album are rooted along the path of this orbit, from Distant Sun and Apogee in the cold dark region to Judas Star and Perigee as we accelerate towards the center of the system. Other songs like Hedersleben (Dreamstate), reminisce about Earth or philosophize over being, at last, a space faring species, (Walk Above The Clouds). Be There uses faith in orbital mechanics as an allegory for a relationship.
The Reviews for Orbit
San Fran space rockers set their course out the heart of the sun to find exciting stability.
This band, a cosmic project of former UK SUBS’ axeman Nicky Garratt, are reaching velocity speed on their fourth album. Following The Fall Of Chronopolis that rested on a literary foundation, “Orbit” envelopes the band’s sci-fi ideas into a new concept which is vague and engaging at the same time, with Alicia Previn’s vocals set to trace such a trek among the celestial bodies.
Theatrical yet tasty, “Judas Star” has what it takes to become one of the greatest hard rock tracks this side of the event horizon, its sparse throb getting fleshed out in a blood-pumping organ rush and a riff that’s caught in the unison crossfire between guitar and violin before distorted voices are beamed through a toxic fog. The haze may dissipate in “Walk Above The Clouds” – if only to carry the piece’s bleak folk vibe on punchy twang – but “History Of Light” will bring this psychedelic hysteria back for a new bout of bluesy ebb and flow, while wah-wah’s circle around in quite a predatory way
In different skies, the delicate “Hedersleben” – another chapter in the ensemble’s “Dreamstate” series – sees an acid-smelling innocence sculpted by a knot of male and female singing and washed in sensual synthesizer’s water, whereas the initially wordless “Rarefied Air” comes redolent of the ’70s European middle-of-the-road. But there’s a sparsely heavy, in its spaced-out baroque, instrumental “Apogee” and naturally textured, exquisitely acoustic “Perigee” to unwind the experience… although breaking an orbit can be quite dangerous. Calamity isn’t something this group are afraid of; that’s why reaching velocity speed feels so exciting here.

Let It Rock - Canada

Für das vierte, gerade (Ende 2016) erschienene Hedersleben-Album hat Nicky Garratt die Band heftig umgebaut. Von den auf "The Fall of Chronopolis" zu hörenden ist nämlich bis auf Garratt niemand mehr auf "Orbit" (oder "Hedersleben 4") vertreten. Die instrumentale Zusammensetzung hat sich dabei aber interessanterweise nicht verändert. Auch hier erzeugen vornehmlich E-Gitarren, Keyboards (E-Orgel, Mellotronartiges, Synthesizer), Violine, Bass und Schlagzeug die Musik. In stilistischer Hinsicht hat sich ebenfalls nicht viel verändert. Ein druckvolles und durchaus komplexes Gemenge aus Retroprog, Neo-Psychedelischem, Krautrock und Spacerock ist auch auf "Orbit" zu finden. Vielleicht haben die Geigenbeiträge etwas zugenommen und ist man etwas erdiger, stellenweise auch etwas jazziger am rocken (der Mahavishnu-Effekt). Zudem hat Alicia Previn, die nun für den eher selten auftauchenden Gesang zuständig ist, eine andere, etwas rauere und schneidendere, manchmal auch etwas wackelige Stimme als ihre Vorgängerin Ariana Jade. Ein durchgehendes Konzept wie beim Vorgänger liegt "Orbit" offenbar nicht zugrunde. Trotzdem kommt die Musik wie eine mehrteilige Suite aus den Boxen, gehen die einzelnen Stücke meist ineinander über (oder werden ineinander übergeblendet). Das Ergebnis ist ähnlich farbig und vielschichtig wie "The Fall of Chronopolis", wobei man sich aber – wie oben schon angedeutet - ein wenig vom dort vorzufindenden Retroprog wegbewegt hat und sich wieder verstärkt in klangschwebend-krautig-folkig-psychedelischen Gefilden aufhält (wie auf den ersten beiden Scheiben), bzw. druckvoller am jammen und retro-rocken ist (man höre z.B. "History of light", oder "Be there"). Allerlei elektronisches Fiepen und Wabern sorgt zudem für das kosmische Element und diverse repetitive-hypnotische Einlagen für klassische Krautrockatmosphäre. "Orbit" bietet somit alles in allem nichts Neues aus dem Hause Hedersleben, kann aber durchaus das musikalisch-klangliche Niveau des Vorgängers halten. Wie allerdings Kollege Siggy schon in seiner Rezension zu "The Fall of Chronopolis" angemerkt hat, würde man sich durchaus wünschen, dass die rezenteren Nummern von Hedersleben etwas ausladender ausgefallen wären. Man könnte nämlich jeweils durchaus noch ein paar Minuten länger mit dem thematischen Material arbeiten. Ich würde mich auch sicher nicht daran stören, wenn auf dieser Scheibe 10-15 Minuten mehr an Musik vorhanden wären. Sehr gut gemacht, und in dieser Mischung immer noch originell, ist das Ganze aber trotzdem.

Babyblaue - Germany

Yet another band helping to bring progressive rock back into public consciousness. Although you wouldn't know it from the name, the musicians in Hedersleben are based in San Francisco, California. Orbit is the band's fourth full-length studio album. These tracks are chock full of nifty guitar riffs and smart keyboard runs. Some of these tracks remind us of the often overlooked British group Greenslade, whose music has fortunately seen somewhat of a resurgence in the past few years. If there's a single word we would use to describe these tracks, that word would be...authentic. In a world full of copycat artists, the folks in Hedersleben come across sounding like the real thing. Unlike so many modern progressive groups, these folks do not overproduce their songs. These tracks sound very much like what we would guess the group sounds like playing live. Nine totally groovy compositions including "Judas Star," "Walk Above the Clouds," "Apogee," and "Perigee." Nice solid intelligent stuff.

Babysue - USA

Sometimes I like to get it out in the open right off the bat. This new Hedersleben album sounds really great and is totally satisfying in every way. I was hooked by the end of the first two-minutes and forty-five seconds and I was not disappointed working my way through the album’s nine compositions running a total of thirty-five minutes. This San Francisco based musical outfit creates a stirring Space-Rock that hit’s all the right notes. It’s nostalgic only in a sense that you can hear a direct musical linage from late sixties Psychedelic sounds and seventies bands like Hawkwind but then Hedersleben’s music is so self-contained that it delivers a fresh take on those sonic vibes. As is their custom when they choose to have a vocalist add to the musical foundation the band recruits a new member and here those vocals, along with some great violin parts are supplied by Alicia Previn daughter of famed composer Andre Previn. Her “off-kilter” approach to concocting the tunes melody adds a delicious bit of irony to the music. As band members whirl and dive in furious threads of musical sounds she flies overtop, audibly resonant and sounding curiously confident. It’s very cool and uplifting in a way. The music itself as I say gets pretty thick at times, lots’ of spacey sonic layers blending together building “fat” atmospheric textures all the while an individual solo lead instrument can often be heard tracing out a hummable melody. Great searing guitar lead lines, organ runs, sounds, voices and other sonic elements appear, inserted in odd places and yet it all seems to fit together. If I had one complaint, and it’s an old bugaboo of mine, most of these tunes are in the three-minute range and too many of them are simply faded out for time. I like songs to have endings, when they’re played live they’ll probably have endings and if you don’t actually have an ending cross-fade with the next song please. I know it’s just me. But hey if you are a fan of the Space Rock genre Hedersleben’s new album Orbit will be a great addition to your collection. Recommended for those so inclined.

The Progressive Rock Files - Canada

This act occupies an intriguing territory between space rock, folk prog and symphonic prog. At times it's a bit too freeform for my tastes, and I'm not crazy about all of the vocals. All that said, though, this is a diverse and dynamic album that works well and does a great job of continuing Hedersleben's musical traditions.

Judas Star

Suitably spacey sounds bring this into being. It's trippy electronic stuff. Some other musical elements threaten to join, but are more tentative at first. As it hits around the one minute mark, it powers out to a killer jam that's part psychedelic rock and party Meddle era Pink Floyd. It drives forward from there. This gets into more potent progressive rock territory as instruments solo over the top. It even leans a bit toward fusion. It drops way down around the two and a half minute mark. Then vocals enter, a bit distant and distorted. I'm again reminded of early Pink Floyd, but mixed with Gong and more pure progressive rock. It works into harder rocking territory, definitely showing off more of that Pink Floyd thing.

Walk Above the Clouds

This cut comes in with an insistent, but more melodic symphonic prog sound. It drops back to the mellower after the introduction, but it works out to more of a rocking thing. There are multiple vocal sections, and the cut makes me think of Gong in a lot of ways.

Distant Sun

This seems to come out of the previous number. It has a tentative, spacey element as it moves forward, gradually rising upward. Vocals come in as slow, mellow music serves as the backdrop with noisy elements dancing over the top. It turns to a melodic instrumental break after a while, but then powers back out to the earlier section with the noisy elements taking more control. This is freaky stuff, but somehow melodic at the same time.

History of Light

Now, this is a rocker. It's more pure prog rock and has some fusion in the mix. It makes me think of Hawkwind in some ways. It's less strange than some of the rest, but it's definitely not mainstream. I dig the driving bass work on this, and the organ adds a lot to the mix, too. It's one of my favorites here and has some cool shifts and changes. I particularly like the jam later in the track. It's a real powerhouse.


Strange swirling keyboard elements create a definite space texture on this thing. It's almost a minute and a half before anything else is heard. At first, it's just a guitar, but then the rest of the band join in a full on space rock jam. This is classy stuff. It's an instrumental.

Hedersleben (Dreamstate)

Mellower and rather intricate space rock styled sounds open this cut. It grows only gradually before the vocals dance over the top in a dreamy kind of way. We're taken through some intriguing changes, but it never alters drastically.

Rarefied Air

Much more of a mainstream prog sounding piece, this is melodic and quite cool. It has some intriguing non-lyrical vocals over the top of it. There is also some cool synthesizer soloing. Lyrical vocals are heard later in the track.

Be There

Much more of a driving hard rocker, there is a lot of psychedelia built into this smoking hot tune. This is one of the more mainstream tunes here, but it still has a decidedly left-of-center edge to it.


The sounds of birds wrap over acoustic guitar work. This is a mellower instrumental that has a lot of folk prog built into it. It's intricate and pretty and a nice way to end the set.


Gary Hill - Street Music Journal - USA

Et de 4 ! Voici le retour du plus allemand des groupes américano-britanniques ! Si HEDERSLEBEN est le nom d’une ville Allemande, c’est à San Francisco que le groupe est établi.

Toujours sous la houlette de Nicky GARRATT, HEDERSLEBEN reste fidèle à ses principes: évoluer en marge de la musique actuelle pour poursuivre l’aventure du Krautrock et du Space-Rock des seventies et renouveler les musiciens et principalement la chanteuse à chaque album.

Adoubé par le co-fondateur de HAWKWIND, Nik TURNER, le groupe se compose de Nicky GARRATT à la guitare et principal compositeur-parolier, Alicia PREVIN, la nouvelle chanteuse violoniste. Si ce nom vous est familier, c’est qu’elle est la fille de l’illustre chef d’orchestre André PREVIN …Doc MILLER à la basse, au chant et Jai Young KIM aux claviers et au chant complètent la formation. Tout est en place pour un album portant bien son nom, Orbit puisqu’à travers les 9 titres, les étoiles, le soleil, la lumière ou encore les nuages seront en première ligne…

Judas Star est une invitation au voyage dans l’espace. Avec son orgue Hammond en arrière-plan, HERDERSLEBEN propose un space-rock comme il sait si bien le concocter: la guitare fleure bon les années 70, tandis que le chant d’Alicia PREVIN est noyé sous divers effets de distorsion. Sur une mélodie faussement simple, les musiciens font preuve de cohésion pour aboutir à un résultat des plus satisfaisants.

Avec Walk Above The Clouds, le groupe montre qu’il est parfait dans la concision. Et en un peu plus de 3 minutes seulement, HERDERSLEBEN délivre un superbe titre, aux accents de psychédélisme. Alicia PREVIN est à son avantage, nous faisant profiter à la fois de sa très belle voix médium, idéalement adaptée à ce style et de son jeu de violon en fin de morceau. Idéal pour se familiariser avec l’album. Distant Sun fait preuve de plus de mélancolie. Accompagné uniquement de bribes de violon et de deux accords de guitare à la répétitivité obsédante, Alicia se montre touchante, ce troisième morceau est assurément l’un des plus sensibles du groupe.

Vous préférez le rock à la HAWKWIND ? History Of Light est fait pour vous. Beaucoup plus rock, les guitares sont à l’honneur, permettant à GARRATT de nous rappeler qu’il n’est pas le dernier dans le domaine. Dans une ambiance Stoner, ce titre est aussi simple qu’enthousiasmant. Apogee, superbe instrumental, est parfaitement représentatif de l’esprit du groupe ; sur un son d’orgue d’Eglise, des bruitages galactiques prennent possession du titre, sur lequel se joue une musique emplie de paradis artificiels. Toujours dans un format très court, HEDERSLEBEN réussit à produire de petites pépites. Hedersleben (Dreamstate) apporte de l’apaisement, retrouvant le chant voluptueux de PREVIN sur des nappes de claviers savamment vintage de Jai Young KIM.

Un bon titre qui se prolonge dans sa sonorité avec Rarefied Air. Kim est très présent, lui permettant de distiller son jeu clair, fondé sur le sentiment, sur l’atmosphère qui s’en dégage. Un titre aussi calme qu’embrumé. Be There voit le retour du rock énergique. Plus classique dans sa forme, il apporte de la stabilité à l’ensemble, avant la superbe conclusion Perigee. Sur fond champêtre à base de gazouillis d’oiseaux, GARRATT joue une tendre mélodie à la guitare sèche, tendrement mélancolique et sereine…

Il est toujours périlleux de renouveler son équipe. Le pari a fonctionné puisque ce quatrième album se situe dans la lignée des précédents. Reprenant habilement les codes de ce rock qui navigue entre psychédélisme, space-rock voire Stoner, HEDERSLEBEN propose 39’ de musique totalement rétro, au charme seventies envoûtant. Ayant à cœur de prolonger un état de grâce, le groupe parvient à distiller du charme et de la mélancolie à sa musique. Un très bon album. (****)

Axel Scheyder - Highlands Mag 086 - France

After listening to Hedersleben 's third album , " The fall of Chronopolis " , I had hoped for an ever more interesting evolution of this group with the German name but actually composed of Americans and English. The expectations are now filled with the new delivery of Nicky Garratt's band , "Orbit" . The great coherence of this album and its perfect integration into the Hedersleben record continuum are in fact a paradox, since Nicky Garratt has renewed all his musicians, taking the risk of ending up with collaborators taking full benchmarks to the detriment Of musical cohesion. Aaria Previn (vocals and violin), Jai Young Kim (keyboards and vocals), John Daren Thomas (drums and percussion) and Doc Miller (bass) And singing) immediately found their marks to serve the compositions of this new album, mainly due to the pen of Nicky Garratt (guitar) but on which Jai Young Kim, Alicia Previn and Doc Miller participate actively. "Orbit" is a well-found name for an album that will link progressive rock to English-style Curved Air ( "History of light" , "Judas star" ), Of the cosmic krautrock reminiscent of Embryo ( "Rarefied air" ) and stratospheric space-rock touches ( "Distant sun" , "Hedersleben Dreamstate" ). Alicia Pervin's percussive voice gives the album songs a boost that is not lost in unnecessary progressive convolutions (nine titles, 35 minutes, four minutes on average). The songs speak of stars, sun, clouds, light, rarefied air and perigee ( "Perigee" ), which is the point of the elliptical orbit of a planet where it is closest to the center Of the star attractor, a useful reminder to all the astrophysical doctors that we are. Not to say, we do not go down here below the " Geostationary orbit and this interstellar journey is fueled by the energy and intelligence of the pieces, enriched with violin, very seventies synths and an effective guitar that serves as the link between all these titles ( "Be there" ). Hedersleben remains faithful to his style, a music that ignores everything that happened after 1973 and that brings us back into the beautiful era of progressive rock for blouse with floral shirts and elephant paws. When I opened the newspaper this morning, I learned that there was a new horror film, "The Exorcist," which made a carton and that the Israelis had been attacked by the Egyptians on Yom Kippur. With this war in Vietnam, the world is becoming more and more dangerous.

Music In Belgium - Belgium

Among supporters including Hawkwind co-founder Nik Turner and Black Flag’s Henry Rollins, Hedersleben are this cross between psychedelic adventures with a space rock expedition. This is a band that just took me by surprise. Not only that it’s very good and very interesting, they have released three albums from 2013 to 2015. This year, they have released their fourth album entitled, Orbit on the Purple Pyramid Records. The band launched in the outskirts of Quedlinburg, Germany which is a town situated north of the Harz Mountains, located on the district of Harz of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany by UK Subs guitarist, Nicky Garratt. He also worked with Nik Turner on the Space Gypsy album four years ago. The fourth album is a story structure dealing with a great elliptical orbit around our solar system around the sun extending the reach of the Kuiper Belt. Which is called the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt, a circumstellar disc beyond the planets extending Neptune. Now while I’m very new to the band’s music, it can be heard in two films starring Michael Madsen (Reservoir Dogs, The Doors, Species, Dishonored) the action heist film Diamond Cartel and the horror revenge thriller, The Devil’s Domain. The music dives towards the adventures that made me realize, this is a band I’m might be interested in checking out. Hedersleben with three of their albums released, they featured new singers. This one features vocalist and violinist Alicia Previn who is the daughter to conductor Andre Previn and a member of The Source Family. Keyboardist Jai Young Kim returns from The Fall of Chronopolis returns to the cosmos to bring both the Organ, Mellotron, and the Moog for another adventure with the band. Also featuring the rhythm section of Drummer, Percussionist John Darren Thomas and Bassist Doc Miller. When I was listening to Orbit, I was completely near the edge of my seat to be a part of their take of the Millennium Falcon to be set and geared up to go into outer space and heading towards other planets through their music. The epic chord rising intro on History of Light brings essence of Blood Ceremony’s organ roar with a cosmic voyage meeting into psychedelic hard rock atmosphere while the opener, Judas Star has the Bass and Organ ascending the countdown for lift-off as both violin and guitar share the same melody with an alarming sound for the first 2 minutes and 37 seconds. It’s this cross between String Driven Thing meets the early Moody Blues meets Van Der Graaf Generator’s Pawn Hearts-era while the Mellotron and Moog set the futuristic scenario before Alicia is speaking through a gigantic megaphone as the lyrics are essence to the mind between Michael Moorcock and Blue Oyster Cult’s Eric Bloom as if they’d worked together again since Fire of Unknown Origin. Rarefied Air is a spacey atmospheric mid-fandango groove. Nicky’s guitar riffs are similar to the opening introduction to Malaguena as the vocalizations are cool, relaxed before the Moog sets the jump to light-speed by heading towards the star system. Apogee is the Organ and the Moog revving up as Nicky, Doc, and John channel the styles between Arthur Brown’s Kingdom Come, Amon Duul II, and Sabbath approaches. While the beat is slightly molto, it has a bright energy and it continues with the quest as the closing track, Perigee gives Doc Millar moving from Bass to Classical Guitar. It’s this cold and haunting finale instrumental as Birds chirp through the sunset as the double-tracking on the guitar sees Doc go back and forth through his instrument. Again, I’m new to the world of Hedersleben’s music, but this shows a very interesting concept by travelling towards the galaxy. Orbit is worth exploring and recommended if you admire the space rock sounds as prepare yourself to hurtle through the cosmos with Hedersleben.

From The Other Side Of The Room - USA

HEDERSLEBEN have gained some attention in the meanwhile, or how does it come that some of their tracks are featured in upcoming action movies like Diamond Cartel and The Devil's Domain? The band name originally derives from a small German village. This relation, and I would say it will affect mastermind Nicky Garratt most likely, manifests in a German speech at the end of Distant Sun for example. Hedersleben however includes the word 'life' too, which also stands for a constant coming and going. And this is significant when it comes to the line up over the course, completely renewed again, solely Nicky excluded of course. Hence every album will sound remoulded too. Hey, what a benefit! There's a focus on female vocals here somehow, due to Alicia Previn being involved, a wonderful find equipped with so many variants. Either an otherworldly appearance while digitally retouched on Judas Star. Or concerning Rarefied Air massively reminding me at some early experiences comprising Embryo and Missus Beastly featuring Maria Archer on vocals during the mid 1970s. Furthermore, when counting her in playing the violin, Curved Air comes into mind occasionally. Please forgive my ... eh, feasible narrow-mindedness ... just when having a very sceptical eye on this, ... somewhat strange is the album's total length, even if aiming at a vinyl issue. So much the more when they are taking the liberty to fade out most of the given nine songs! On the other hand though, the more this is proving the band's compositional prolificness, one may say. Either way, the entire song collection appears like a well sorted string of shiny tiny pearls, one after another, ending with Perigree like arriving in paradise, this accompanied by looping acoustic guitars and bird's twittering. No loss of spirit, you're welcome again!

Progressive Rock Archives - USA

Je ne connaissais pas HEDERSLEBEN avant la réception de l’album « Orbit » mais voici quelques détails intéressants sur leur début. Le groupe a vu le jour dans le village du même nom à la périphérie de Quedlinburg (Allemagne), sous l’égide du guitariste Britannique, Nicky GARRATT. ???En 2012 GARRATT est devenue le directeur musical de ?Nik Turner (Hawkwind), à sa demande il réunit des musiciens pour collaborer et enregistrer l’album ?? « Space Gypsy » de Nik Turner?? à Los Angeles. ?C’est de cette façon qu’une première version de HEDERSLEBEN fait ses premiers pas. En 2013, le groupe accompagne Brainticket sur leur dernier album « Past, Present, and Future » puis dans la même année il enregistre leur premier album « Upgoer ». Par la suite le groupe produit à la cadence d’un album par année, ce qui est assez rare, il faut l’admettre. Toutefois « Orbit » fait une légère entorse à cette règle car il parait deux ans après « The Fall of Chronopolis ». Le style revendiqué par le groupe s’apparente au Krautrock proche du spacerock. Pour ce dernier album Nicky GARRATT prend un risque car il modifie entièrement le line-up en accueillant Alicia PREVIN au chant et au violon, Jai Young KIM (claviers et chant), John Daren THOMAS (batterie et percussions) et Doc MILLER (basse et chant). Tous ont trouvé leurs marques pour servir les compositions de ce nouvel album, principalement dues à la plume de Nicky GARRATT (guitare) mais sur lesquelles Jai Young KIM, Alicia PREVIN et Doc MILLER participent aussi. « Orbit » est un titre bien choisi pour un album qui va mettre en relation le rock progressif britannique proche de Curved Air avec « Judas Star » ou « History of Light », du Krautrock cosmique rappelant Amon Duul avec « Rarefied Air » et des touches de space-rock stratosphérique "Distant Sun", « Hedersleben (Dreamstate) ». La voix envoutante d'Alicia PREVIN donne de la profondeur aux chansons de l'album qui ne se perdent pas en voyages progressifs inutiles, l’album dure 35 minutes étalé sur neuf chansons donc aucune perte de temps. Les sujets exploités nous parlent des étoiles, du soleil, de nuages, de lumière et d'air raréfié. Pas à dire, on ne descend pas en dessous des nuages car ce voyage intersidéral est alimenté par l'énergie et l'intelligence des morceaux, enrichis de violon, de synthés très seventies et d'une guitare efficace qui sert de liant entre tous ces titres. HEDERSLEBEN nous présente pour la première fois, du moins dans mon cas, un album qui est fidèle au style décrit dans sa biographie, une musique qui ne se laisse pas influencée par toutes les modes ou styles qui se sont offerts à nous depuis l’époque faste du Prog. Elle nous renvoie à l’ère des chemises à fleurs et pantalons patte d'éléphant. Pour les nostalgiques, les curieux et tous ceux qui sont friands de cette période unique. J’oubliais, sortez votre casque d’écoute, ça vaut la peine.

Profile - Canada

Mit "Orbit" ist das mittlerweile vierte Album der in San Francisco beheimateten Band mit dem deutschen Namen Hedersleben über das Label Purple Pyramid Records erschienen. Und auch hier hat sich das Personal-Karussell rund um den Bandgründer und -kopf Nicky Garrett wieder mal ganz kräftig gedreht. Zumindest hat "Orbit" wie jede bisherige Scheibe einen neuen Sänger. Zwar spielten die Vocals bisher eine eher untergeordnete Rolle bei der sich hauptsächlich auf die Musik fokussierenden Band, aber das könnte sich schon bald ändern. Für dieses neue Werk stand Alicia Previn (Source Family) – Tochter des weltbekannten Dirigenten Andre Previn – vor dem Mikro, während sie zusätzlich die Violinen-Parts für "Orbit" beisteuerte. Die neue Rhythmus-Abteilung besteht aus Donald 'Doc' Millar am Bass sowie John Darren Thomas am Schlagzeug. Abgerundet wird das Line-up von dem Keyboarder Jai Young Kim, der bereits auf The Fall Of Chronopolis einen Gast-Einsatz hatte und für das neue Album scheinbar eine sehr wichtige Rolle hinsichtlich des Sounds und Songwritings einnahm. Hedersleben konnte bisher durch ihre ersten Alben sowie Tourneen mit dem Ex-Hawkwind-Saxofonisten Nik Turner auf sich aufmerksam machen. "Orbit" ist sowohl auf Vinyl, als auch auf CD in einem Gatefold-Cover erschienen.

Rock Times - Germany I must admit that I couldn't do a Top 10 if I tried, because I simply haven't found that many current artists that excite me, and the few that I know haven't released their most mind blowing material this year. But I can tell you that EASILY that Hedersleben IV - Orbit would make my top 5 even if you guys could turn me on to 10 or more other killer albums from the year. Psych/prog/space rock from a band featuring Nicky Garratt who, of all things, was once in the punk band UK Subs. Great music and great sound quality/production too. Steve Hoffman Music Forums - USA HEDERSLEBEN/Orbit: Did you ever think you’d consider pairing Andre Previn’s daughter with space rock? Ah, you know how kids like to rebel. A chops filled prog/space date that finds the crew expanding their reach as their tunes are populating more and more cult pics, they aren’t manqué-ing around as they claim territory normally roamed by well funded, classic outfits as they did it back in the day. Genre fans will be tilting the discussion heavily toward this crew. Well done. Midwest Records - USA The San Francisco-based band, Hedersleben recently released their 4th studio album titled "Orbit" through Purple Pyramid Records. Each of the band's first three albums have featured a different lead singer and this time around it is Alicia Previn (daughter of world famous conductor Andre Previn) taking on the lead vocals. While the majority of the tracks center around the musicianship within the band as they begin your journey with the six-minute epic sounding "Judas Star." Then they continue with a heavier progressive rock sound on "Walk Above The Clouds," before delivering the atmospheric space rock of "Distant Sun." Previn's angelic vocals highlights the gentle flow of "Hedersleben (Dreamlike)," before the band finish the new album with the hard edge, seventies rock feel of "Be There" and the gentle nature of "Perigree." To find out more about Hedersleben and their latest release "Orbit," please visit their Facebook page at facebook.com/HederslebenBand. JP's Music Blog - USA Krautrock still exists ... and is based in California now. To tell the truth this band was born in Germany and all the classifications still give it as a German band, although playing on this album has not remained any German and the band has basically, California. We need to take a small step back and tell the story of the Hedersleben, which was formed in the homonymous village in Germany on the thrust of British Nicky Garratt (ex UK Subs), who in 2012 became the artistic producer of former Hawkwind Nik Turner. Garratt then brings together a number of musicians who can support Turner's new project called Nik Turner's Space Gypsy. The band so formed also took part in the new Brainticket work in 2013 together with their founder Joel Vandroogenbroeck. In the same year came the first Hedersleben album entitled "Upgoer". For an album that needs such a long historical introduction, music might not require a long treat ... mainly because this album lasts just 35 minutes. We talk about krautrock, it was said, essentially of space rock, even though we are not caught up with spooky cosmic couriers and reckless sideways journeys. The 9 songs, all fairly short, still have quite delicate tonalities if not even ethereal at times. Sometimes we can get some songs to the Curved Air, or we're in the mix of Hawkwind, Amon Düül and Van Der Graaf Generator or even Yes (Alicia's voice helps), alternating more spatial themes at softer moments and suffocated. The album is undeniably pleasing and is not necessarily reserved for the usual sauerkraut tastes. His brevity, and that of individual songs, is in theory one of the biggest defects, not allowing us to appreciate the various facets that the group shows us. It certainly does not bore and does not miss the interesting ideas but in my opinion it fails to catch the interest of the listener. Articoli - Italy The first track is the six minute opus, 'Judas Star' and is one heck of a way to get introduced to not only the album, but for those not in the know, the band itself. From low ebb creations to a thrilling, soaring amount of organ work, the song is a real gem on this nine track album. That's backed by the more playful Prog work of 'Walk Above The Clouds', the screechy ballad 'Distant Sun', and then both the upbeat 'History Of Light' and the Church-esque 'Apogee.' The contemplative acoustic guitar ballad 'Hedersleben (Dreamstate)' is my favorite track here, that's for sure. A builder complete with female-sung lyrics, it's ethereal and stoic all at the same time. Quite stunning. The playfulness returns on the pick-hop guitar work of 'Rarefied Air' and then the album is brought to a close with the rocker 'Be There' and then the chirpy bird garden acoustic guitar delight, 'Perigee.' Russel A. Trunk CD Reviews - USA